A Portrait of Me by Edgar Nibb
A real time recording of my sitting for Edgar
Au Plein Air Nude by Edgar Nibb
Worked from a reference photo taken of me at a beach in Suffolk - real time lapse video
Nude figure study of Me by Dominic Butler
Essex artist Dominic's time lapse video of his working of my pose
Nude Figure study of Me by David Sweet
Belfast Artist David Sweet's time lapse video of his working of my pose
Jenny Pepper in Edgar's Studio
Edgar Nibb reviews his oil sketch of me from a studio session in 2022
Jenny Pepper by Haydn Dickenson
A real time video reflecting my collaboration with London Artist, Haydn
Jenny Pepper by Edgar Nibb
Nude Figure study of Me by Edgar Nibb
A real time recording of my sitting for Edgar
Jenny Pepper in blue light
Time lapse video of my sitting for Edgar Nibb - nude figure study
Nude Figure study of Me by David Sweet
Belfast Artist David Sweet's time lapse video of his working of my pose
Jenny Dancing in the Studio
Edgar Nibb reviews his oil sketch of me from a studio session in 2022
Jenny Pepper in lingerie pose
Edgar Nibb reviews his oil sketch of me from a studio session in 2022
Jenny Pepper by Edgar Nibb
A real time video of Edgar Nibb working on a charcoal sketch of Me